
Showing posts from September, 2014

Thai Hot & Spicy Minced Meat

泰式香辣肉碎 猪肉碎-400g 九层塔-1把 小辣椒-8条 黑酱油- 半汤匙 蒜茸-半汤匙 鱼露 -2汤匙 香茅-1支(切碎) 长豆-5条(切粒) 幼糖 -1茶匙 黑胡椒粉- 适量 清水-4汤匙 腌料 鱼露-1汤匙 胡椒粉-少许 做法 1)肉碎加入腌料,腌1小时。 2)热油锅,爆香蒜茸,香茅加入肉碎炒至松散,加入切碎的小辣椒,长豆翻炒,加入清水和鱼露及幼糖调味,焖煮一会,加入黑酱油和九层塔炒均匀,即可。 Portion for 2 people 400g minced pork 15 basil leaves 8 hot bird chilli (the hotter the better) cut into quarters with seed 2 cloves crushed and cut garlic 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce 2 tablespoon fish sauce (can be replaced with balsamic vinegar if you don't have) 1 lemongrass chopped fine 5-8 long beans (depending on how much you like it) cut into small pieces 1/2 inch 1 teaspoon castor sugar (or white sugar) black pepper (to taste) 4 tablespoon water Pork Marination 1 tablespoon fish sauce (or balsamic vinegar) 2 teaspoon white pepper use these to marinate the minced pork for one hour in the fridge before cooking Cooking Method Heat up the wok (if don't have then a pan would suffice), high heat Brown the garlic Put in...